

Charllotte-Ann Webbe - Kinesiology - Southbrook


Kinesiology is system for relieving stressors which causes a range of feelings from discomfort to severe, progressing to chronic pain and emotional distresses through life from simple frustrations to major emotional events.

If these stressors are not addressed the constant stress compounds and
is stored in the muscles and organs of the body causing continued
emotional, physical and mental distress  leading to acute and/or chronic
disease (unhealthy ease).

About Charllotte-Ann

With the overwhelming increase in preventable diseases in the hospital system, Charllotte-Ann, Current Level 5 Kinesiology Professional Practitioner (KPP),  registered with the Australian Kinesiology Association (AKA) and Registered Nurse (Ret) has chosen to manage better health, by prevention, through the Natural Therapies, in particular, Kinesiology. 


Charllotte-Ann a highly experience Registered Nurse, gained valuable nursing knowledge and skills in the Health Industry,  including Midwifery, Medical and Surgical Nursing, NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) Paediatrics and Emergency Department Nursing. 


Charllotte-Ann’s preferred Kinesiology modality is Neuroenergetic Kinesiology (NK)

NK Kinesiology is “Anchored in Science. Spiritual in Essence NK Institute


Charllotte-Ann also has a background in Accounting and Marketing. 



Kinesiology uses the Triad of Health, Chemical, Emotional and Structural factors to indicate the best possible balance of the major health categories.

The Triad of Health is represented by an equilateral triangle with Structural, Chemical and Emotional health representing the three sides